1. Take a long shower or a bath. Choose a nice shower gel and just relax! If you choose the bath just light up some candles so it will be even better. Nothing is going to make you feel the same way like getting clean. So it may sound strange but it will immediately boost your mood.
2. Get ready – I mean put an effort in it. I know when you don’t really feel good you don’t like to put make up and dress up but if you make an extra effort it will definitely pay off. Our confidence depends on how we feel about ourselves. And it is the base for our appearance. So if you know you look good you will be more confident and the other people will see that. And who doesn’t love looking good?
3. Listen to some music. I know the more rhythmic songs suppose to change your mood in a better way. Actually I never force myself.. I mean if I fell like listening to slow songs I just do so.
4. Watch a funny movie. It has been proven the laughter is the best anti-stress therapy. So just choose some really funny comedy and enjoy it.
5. Talk to a friend/somebody you trust. I think one of the best ways to really deal with bad mood is if you sit down and just talk about whatever makes you upset. And of course you can always have a great laugh with your friends.
6. Make something for yourself. No matter if it is buying an ice cream or going for a manicure just treat yourself. It will help you for sure.
7. Go out. Going for a walk is one of my favorite things to do. No matter if I am by myself or with someone else it is a stress reliever! And if you can manage to go to a park or somewhere green even better! My favorite place definitely is the beach! Nothing makes me feel the same way like the color and the sound of sea waves.
P.S: I hope my tips are helpful, let me know what makes you feel good?
Когато се чувствам изморена, тъжна или просто недобре има някои неща към които прибягвам:
1. Вземам душ или вана. Избирам приятен аромат и просто се отпускам. Нищо не може да замени това освежаващо чувство.
2. Приготвам се – гримирам се, оправям косата си, избирам тоалет. Комфортът и увереността ни зависят от това как се чувстваме и как изглеждаме.
3. Слушам музика – музиката винаги помага за повдигане на настроението.
4. Гледам комедийни филми – защото има ли някой, който да не обича да се посмее на добър филм?
5. Говоря с приятели – споделянето е доста добър начин да се отърсите от проблемите, а и винаги е забавно и разтоварващо.
6. Угаждам си – купувам си сладолед, отивам на маникюр или нещо, което ще ме зарадва.
7. Отивам на разходка – най-любимото ми място за разходка е плажът!
P.S: А вие как повдигате настроението си?