They say I need to appreciate the little things that make me smile – the smell of coffee in the mornings, a beautiful flower, smiles of strangers… and I do and it makes me happy.
To live the little things because it is ok to be childish sometimes… it is fun to dance in the park when there is only you and him… it is nice to sing loud when your favourite song is on the radio… it is amazing to walk on grass with bare feet… and it makes me so happy!
To love the little things because you don’t need much to be happy… when he buys you your favourite chocolate… when the sun shines on your face.. when your sister sends you just “how r u sis”-type of a text… when I can smell the sea…when a stranger tells you something nice… every little win every – single – day… makes me super happy!
But I have learnt myself the hardest thing is to appreciate not the things that make you happy, but the things that make you stronger .. force you to grow.. to move.. to change.. Once you learn this you can be happy.
And I do appreciate them because I know if all of those thing never happened I wouldn’t be here today.. I wouldn’t be me 🙂