People who know me know that I really enjoy those days when I can deal with a lot of things. And I believe I am pretty organised person. But no matter how good are you sometimes time is just not enough.
So if you struggle and you can`t deal with stuff you need to there are my advices and see how is it working for you:
- Prepare yourself – If I know I need to do too many things the day after I am trying to take it easy the evening before. For sure you will need a lot of energy if you are going to run around all day so go to bed as early as possible.
- Make a plan – write down all the things you need to do on your phone or in your notebook. It is easier for me if I write on paper. If you have it written you will not miss or forget anything.
- Make priorities – when I am done with my list I mark the most important things which can`t be left undone. For each one I think is it an emergency? Can I do it another day if I don’t have time today? So this will help you to find out which ones from the list you have to deal with no matter what. And in case you run out of time you will know which ones you can leave for next days.
- Organise it step by step – place by place. It is definitely the best if you can think of from where exactly you are going to start and which will be second place and so on and so on. If I have to go to a couple of places I always try to manage all of them to be close to each other so I don’t have to waist time in running too much.
- Learn to say “No” – If you have to many things to do and you don’t have enough time you can’t afford to waste time in meeting or catching up with friends. I know it can sound rude but first maintain everything you need to and then go and have fun. So if I have a lot of things to do and someone ask me to go for a coffee I say I can’t do it today so we can schedule it for another time.
P.S: Do you have another tips for being organised?
В дните, когато имам доста ангажименти съм организирана и се опитвам да следвам 5 стъпки:
- Подготвям се – Когато ме очаква напрегнат и изпълнен с ангажименти ден, се опитвам да събера сили предишната вечер. За да съм заредене с енергия, си лягам възможно най-рано.
- Планувам деня – правя списък с всичко, което трябва да свърша, така няма да пропусна нищо!
- Определям приоритетите си– “Трябва ли да го свърша утре?”, “Може ли да изчака?”, “Спешно ли е?”, след като съм направила списъка си, отбелязвам нещата, с които задължително трябва да се заема на следващия ден.
- Организирам деня си стъпка по стъпка– или по точно място по място. Ако трябва да съм на различни места се опитвам да ги подредя по локация, за да е най-удобно и най-бързо.
- Опитвам се да казвам “Не”– Ако съм много заета и нямам време, отказвам допълнителни ангажименти и срещи.
P.S: Имате ли други съвети и тайни за това как да организираме ангажиментите си?